Links & Partners
Some of our Suppliers:
Our in room supplier of hand soap and bubble bath.
CSA, community shared agriculture, organic farm in Sparta, Ont.
Wholesale coffee roasters, London, Ont.
Loose Leaf tea supplier, Toronto, Ont.
Unbleached fresh local flour, Arva, Ont.
Fresh in season local strawberries and raspberries, Lambeth.Ont.
Dining Room Questions?
Where are your pictures from?
Bistro pictures, south of France, Whitby artist.
Jamelie Hassan, Ron Benner, Jean Spence
- Ken Jackson, London, Ont. Pier painting, Port Stanley
Where did you get the tablecloths on the side porch from?
Plastic coated round tablecloths, all things cooking, classes, etc. King street accross from the Covent Garden Market in London, Ont.
Links to our Port Stanley Partners: